Mahabharat‘s cast and crew are in mourning as their dear friend Gufi Paintal (78) passed away this morning at 9 am. The actor played the role of Shakuni Mama in the epic television series.
Remembering him, the director of Mahabharat. Renu Ravi Chopra, told ETimes TV, “It is so sad …. Gufi was an integral part of BR Films and his contribution to Mahabharata as ‘Shakuni’ will always be remembered and remain incomparable.”
Nitish Bharadwaj, who essayed the role of Lord Krishna, was all praise for his co-star Gufi Paintal and talked about the relationship they shared.
He said, “Gufi was the first point of contact for me as a struggling actor as he worked for BR films. From there we developed a relationship of being friends. So Gufi Ji became Gufiano. Though on-screen Shakuni hated Krishna, Gufi was always so appreciative of my work and had no qualms in showing his respect for me as an actor. I lost a very humble friend & a colleague. May his soul attain sadgati.”
Mahabharats Arjun Firoz Khan told us, “Gufi was one of the pioneers of Mahabharat. He took all the auditions of Mahabharat and showed it to Chopra saab. I shared a very good camaraderie with him. He was like a friend, philosopher and a guide to me. We used to go for shows together and watch films. He was a very punctual guy. He used to be like a father figure to me. I have lost a good friend. He was a lovely human being, a soul who did not have anything bad for others. He’d just laugh it off even when people would not say pleasant things about him. He always thought of everyone’s good. He was such a nice person.”
It was Gufi Paintal’s son who confirmed the news of his passing away.
He shared a note that read, “With profound grief we announce the sad demise of our father Mr. Gufi Paintal (Shakuni Mama). He passed away peacefully this morning surrounded by family.”
His nephew had earlier informed BT that his uncle wasn’t keeping well due to age-related ailments. He was taken to a hospital in Andheri a few days ago. He had a heart ailment and developed kidney issues.
He was shifted to the ICU and was stable for some time.
Remembering him, the director of Mahabharat. Renu Ravi Chopra, told ETimes TV, “It is so sad …. Gufi was an integral part of BR Films and his contribution to Mahabharata as ‘Shakuni’ will always be remembered and remain incomparable.”
Nitish Bharadwaj, who essayed the role of Lord Krishna, was all praise for his co-star Gufi Paintal and talked about the relationship they shared.
He said, “Gufi was the first point of contact for me as a struggling actor as he worked for BR films. From there we developed a relationship of being friends. So Gufi Ji became Gufiano. Though on-screen Shakuni hated Krishna, Gufi was always so appreciative of my work and had no qualms in showing his respect for me as an actor. I lost a very humble friend & a colleague. May his soul attain sadgati.”
Mahabharats Arjun Firoz Khan told us, “Gufi was one of the pioneers of Mahabharat. He took all the auditions of Mahabharat and showed it to Chopra saab. I shared a very good camaraderie with him. He was like a friend, philosopher and a guide to me. We used to go for shows together and watch films. He was a very punctual guy. He used to be like a father figure to me. I have lost a good friend. He was a lovely human being, a soul who did not have anything bad for others. He’d just laugh it off even when people would not say pleasant things about him. He always thought of everyone’s good. He was such a nice person.”
It was Gufi Paintal’s son who confirmed the news of his passing away.
He shared a note that read, “With profound grief we announce the sad demise of our father Mr. Gufi Paintal (Shakuni Mama). He passed away peacefully this morning surrounded by family.”
His nephew had earlier informed BT that his uncle wasn’t keeping well due to age-related ailments. He was taken to a hospital in Andheri a few days ago. He had a heart ailment and developed kidney issues.
He was shifted to the ICU and was stable for some time.