6.8 Intensity, High Alert Rest of World in these areas Highly Zealand Earthquake 7 hit South Island – News-Patiala English

Earthquakes were felt on Tuesday on Tuesday near the western coast of New Zealand. The earthquake came to 2:43 p.m. This was a very powerful earthquake, whose intensity was 6.8. This information is given by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The quake was 33 km. According to the Jionate’s report, eight Zealand areas have come to eight earthquakes in the last 24 hours in New Zealand. The first earthquake appeared on Tuesday morning, which was 2.6 which was told very weak.


The North East of Wellington came to 3:43 am 3.5 magnitude earthquake appeared. In the northwest of Sagrace, the 6.8 magnitude earthquake was placed in a moderate category. There may be damaged by the severity of 6.8, but at the moment, a major destruction is not notified. Earthquakes were felt in New Zealand. Earthquake’s intensity was recorded first.


New Zealand is on the rings of Fire

The New Zealand is located in the ‘Ring of Fire’ area of ​​the Pacific Ocean, where the earthquake activities and volcanic is normal. The ring of fire is a 40,000 km long bar to North America’s west coast, berbing strands, Japan and New Zealand. According to the BBC report, there are more than 14,000 earthquake each year, in the intensity of only 20. This field is weak for the earthquake due to the collide of Indo-Australian and Pacific plates. According to experts, local officers and disaster management teams have started work to review the effect of the earthquake.


The New Zealand Emergency Management Agency has warned the area to avoid visiting close coastal areas. According to the Prashant Tannami Warning Center in Honolulu, there is no warning of the Tsunami.

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