7 AAP Mlas Quit Party, AAP has been shocks to 7 MLAs in Delhi

Ujwal Jalashi
New Delhi, Jan 31

Earlier from the Delhi Assembly elections today, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has greatly bulling the resignations by seven existing MLAs. In the MLA dropped MLAs from the party, Palam from Palam to Naresh Yadav, from Mahalaoli to Naresh Yadav, from Rajeshpuri, Sijinder Singh, from the Nagar, from Bhupinder Singh June and Advasiburi Nagar. Kabilegaur is that ‘AAP’ did not give tickets to any of them for the Assembly elections. Most MLAs have said not to believe the party’s involvement in the corruption scams in the party’s corruption scams.
“I honestly joined the Aam Aam Aadmi Party from MLA to MLAs from Maharoli,” I was joined the Aam Aadmi Party. But today I don’t see honesty anywhere. I spoke to many of my Maharoli constituency, and many of them said that the Malakotla court had been patient in the corruption in the Corruption. “Malakotla court had been sentenced to two years in prison last month . After the court sentenced Yadav, Madav appealed to Arvind Kejriwal in a post at X on December 20, he did not allow him to ticket for assembly elections. Yadav had said, “Unless I get the release with the whole honor I will not fight. I am completely innocent and are falsely motivated and false against me. That is why I asked for me to fight. “
From Bhower Juni Juni June said that June said that he has decided to make the decision and vibriity of theories of AAP. He said that the party had decided not to pay tickets or membership from the criminal backgrounds, but the party has taken several criminal cases against the Sudural Assembly constituency.

The post 7 aap mlas Quit Party Appeared first in Delhi, Apple by 7 MLAs appointments by 7 MLAs in Delhi.

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