BSF Recruitment 2024: There is a great opportunity for candidates who want to get a job in Border Security Force (BSF). For this, BSF has released vacancies for Specialist and General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) posts. Any candidate who has the qualification related to these posts can apply by visiting the official website of BSF at So the application process has started.
A total of 25 posts are being filled through this BSF recruitment. If you are also planning to get a job in BSF, you can apply on or before 18th December. Anyone who is considering applying for these posts should read the following points carefully.
Vacancies to be filled in BSF
Specialist (Surgeon, Gynaecologist, Radiologist, Pathologist, Anaesthesiologist, Ophthalmologist): 16 Posts
General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO): 9 Posts
Age limit to get job in BSF
Candidates applying for these BSF posts should have maximum age limit of 67 years. Applicants above this age limit will not be considered eligible to apply.
Essential qualification to get job in BSF
Specialist: Post Graduate Degree or Diploma in relevant specialization with MBBS degree is mandatory. Minimum 1.5 years of experience in the relevant field for Post Graduate Degree holders and 2.5 years in the relevant field for Diploma holders.
GDMO: Must have completed valid internship with MBBS degree.
This much salary will be given on selection in BSF
Specialist: 85,000 per month
General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO): Rs 75,000 per month
Check notification and application link here
BSF Recruitment 2024 Notification
Link to Apply for BSF Recruitment 2024
This is how the selection in BSF will be
Whoever is applying for this BSF recruitment, the eligible candidates will be selected through walk-in interview.