Free Education: Baba Sahib Dr. Bhim Bho Ambedkar had said that the progress of any society depends on the progress of the teaching of that society. To realize this idea, the Government of India has made many initiatives under which all the children of any discrimination under which caste, religion or gender is provided with free quality based education. If you want free education for your children, you can benefit from these five principles of Government of India.
Flow education plan
The Samagar Education is a scheme designed for integrated school education. Under this all levels of levels from pre-school to 12th grade have been covered. The purpose of this scheme is to provide an inclusion and quality education. This scheme creates a similar and supported classroom while considering children’s different backgrounds and educational needs.
Kastarba Gandhi Balika School School plan (KGBV)
The scheme was built to provide high primary and secondary education to girls, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Communities, Scheduled Communities, Scheduled Communities, Scheduled Communication, Scheduled Community, Scheduled Communications, Other Backward Communities and Lake Communities and Last Numbers. The 10-18-year-old girls aged 10-18 years old is provided in residential schools to teach in residential schools.
Sar Meeting Campaign (SSA)
The aims of all the education campaign is to provide free and compulsory primary education to children of the age of 6 to 14. This is a large scale and mission mode program started in 2001-02, which has been implemented in collaboration with state governments and local self-government institutions. The purpose of this scheme is to provide primary education to all children and provide usage and appropriate education.
CBE Flight Schedule
This scheme is specifically designed for students, which helps in preparing the engineering entry examples. Under the Education Ministry, 11th and 12th class students are given by the 11th and 12th class students, virtual classes and pre-loaded tablets under the CBS. It helps to enroll students in major engineering organizations of the country.
National Secondary Education Campaign (RMSA)
The purpose of this scheme is to be accessible to the secondary education and improve its quality. Under this campaign, secondary schools are set up at the farm from each home. In addition, removing social and economic obstacles, all children are given education to secondary level.