Abohar Nagar Nigam Safai sevaks strike. Strike of Safai Sevaks in Abohar: Demanding from the Municipal Corporation to fix the heaps of garbage on the roads – Abohar News

The sanitation workers of the Abohar Municipal Corporation have been on strike for the last four days demanding the strengthening of the raw material, due to which the cleanliness system of the city is in bad shape and heaps of garbage have started appearing everywhere. The dignitaries of the city immediately approached the Municipal Corporation in this direction.


The Municipal Corporation’s sanitation workers have been on strike for four days demanding that they be made concrete, due to which no one has come to collect garbage from the city’s houses and shops, due to which there are heaps of garbage at the city’s garbage dumps. On which stray animals are roaming and scattering garbage on the road.

Piles of dirt in Abohar

Garbage scattered on the streets

The garbage dump near the main post office in the city is in the worst condition, where animals have scattered heaps of garbage till the middle of the road. Half the road is filled with dirt, due to which drivers and pedestrians are finding it difficult to pass through. There is a food market near this garbage dump where about a dozen fast food shops are set up in the evening and hundreds of people come here to eat fast food. In such a situation, if an epidemic spreads in the city, the Municipal Corporation will be completely responsible for it.

had already gone on strike

The sanitation workers say that earlier too they had gone on strike with the demand for concrete, on which the Corporation Commissioner had assured them that their demands would be fulfilled soon, but no hearing has taken place till date. He said that he will not end the strike until his demands are met. The conscious people of the city have demanded the Commissioner, Mayor and other officials of the Corporation to fulfill the demands of the sanitation workers and streamline the cleanliness system soon.

By Admin

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