Draw Line Under Signature Right or Wrong : Signature has a special place in our life. It not only defines our identity but also affects our thinking, personality and mental state. Many people draw a line under their signature, but is that right? Does this habit have any effect on our life? Let’s know in detail from Bhopal-based astrologer and Vastu consultant Pandit Hitendra Kumar Sharma what happens if we draw a line under our signature?
Advantages and disadvantages of drawing a line under the signature
The habit of drawing a line under the signature has been in vogue for many years, but is it correct? According to Vastu Shastra, if you draw a line under the signature, it can have a positive or negative effect on your life depending on the size and direction of that line.
1. Length and direction of line: If you draw a long and straight line under the signature, it strengthens your confidence and decision-making ability. According to Vastu Shastra, the line should be larger than the signature and should be straight, without any bends. If this line is shorter or curved than your signature, it can cause confusion and obstacles in your life.
2. Do not draw more than one line: Many people draw more than one line under the signature, but this is not considered auspicious in Vastu Shastra. When too many lines are drawn, it gives rise to mental confusion and confusion. In such a situation, the person is unable to take the right decision and sometimes obstacles arise in life.
3. Impact on your progress: If the line cuts below the signature or has a bend in it, it is not considered good in Vastu Shastra. This means that the person’s progress may be halted. The line should be drawn straight and without any bends so that there are no obstacles in life and the path to success is clear.
Is this habit beneficial for you?
According to Vastu Shastra, any change in signature, such as drawing a line, can be beneficial as long as you do it correctly. If the line is too short, crooked or tangled, it can cause problems in life. Therefore, drawing a straight and long line under the signature can increase confidence and success.
If you want to make changes to your signature, remember that the line should be larger, straighter and clearer than your signature. If you follow it in the right way, positive changes can come in your life.