Ban on energy drinks in schools! Know from the experts how dangerous these things are for children

Harmful Effects of Energy Drinks: Cambodia has banned energy drinks in its schools. The biggest reason for this is the increasing cases of diabetes among the youth. The Cambodian government has issued directives saying that there will be a complete ban on the consumption and sale of energy drinks in and around schools.


The government there says that many diseases including diabetes are spreading due to the consumption of sugar and energy drinks. Not only this, the children will also be told about the harms of energy drinks during the assembly in the schools there, so that the children can become aware.

Kamini Sinha, founder and senior dietitian at Diet Mantra Clinic, Noida, told News-Patiala that most energy drinks contain the highest amount of sugar and caffeine. Apart from this, energy drinks contain many stimulants, artificial flavors and preservatives. These things are considered extremely harmful to health.


After drinking energy drinks, a person gets instant energy, but when it enters the body, the sugar level in the body increases and more insulin is released to control it. Its repeated occurrence can lead to insulin resistance. This can lead to the risk of many serious diseases including diabetes, heart disease, brain disease.


The dietician said that energy drinks are more harmful for children, as these drinks can be difficult for them to digest. The habit of consuming too much liquid sugar at a young age can lead to diseases at a young age. In such a case, small children should be kept away from energy drinks.
They contain high amount of caffeine, which can adversely affect the health of children. Excessive consumption of energy drinks is harmful due to their high calorie, high sugar and high caffeine content. This can lead to high blood pressure, heart palpitations and sleep disorders.

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According to health experts, excessive consumption of energy drinks can cause serious damage to health. Due to their high sugar content, these beverages can increase the risk of weight gain and metabolic disorders. Regular consumption of these drinks affects the body’s natural energy levels and people may experience fatigue and mental stress.


Drinking too many energy drinks can also seriously damage your mental health. Ingredients like taurine and guarana found in energy drinks can increase mental problems, anxiety and panic attacks. It is more dangerous for children and teenagers, as their bodies cannot handle the effects of energy drinks.


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