Pariksha pe charcha 2025: The 8th Edition of the ‘Property Pay Discussion’ program is being broadcast in a new format. PM Modi’s very typical program has been shot in many episodes. On 6 February 2025, the 6th episode of the “Presidy Payway ‘program was released. Bollywood actress Bhumam Pednicar and actor delegant Massi gave special tips to students via PPC 2025. These tips will be very helpful for students giving board examination this year.
In the ‘Practasha Pay Discustion’ 2025, actress Bhumi Pednaker advised students to focus on stress free and my powers (Bollywood Actress Bhumi Pednekar). Included those children through entertaining activities. Bhumi Padnekar told children to pay attention to being warriors, not worrying. Grolling Pednaker telling his childhood story, saying he was very smart in education.
Sleep for health is necessary
Bhumi Pednicar said on the examination that he was fond of study. At the same time, they also trusted their future. She knew he wants to be actress. Saying his childhood story, the Land of Bhuman said- I would read a lot in the child. I thought I don’t want to sleep. This made me less sleep. But now as soon as he gets the break of shooting, he eaten quickly and then fall asleep for at least half an hour. They described the right sleep to speed memory.
Also understand the importance of the brake
Bollywood actress Bhuman Pednaker also told the importance of the brake to increase the focus. Bhumi said the childhood had only a 1-hour break in the day. Meanwhile, he was out to play. Also kept itself active by dance during the break. Bhumi Padnekar also talked about his life and even about his father’s deaths. He ate a lesson to control suffering, “in such circumstances, everyone should play on his own strength.
Vikarat Massi educated the text of the positiveness
Actor Volnous Mesy in the 6th episode of the ‘Practi Pay Discustion’, APISDI Discussed ‘Mission. He gave children the mantra of the children Power Toolling and Power of Visualization. He advised to give them a full honor respect instead of ignoring your efforts. Vikarat Massi asked parents to not put pressure on their children and identify their skills. Do not run behind the numbers. Put down your eyes and put your thinking on.