By giving this exam after 12th you can become army officer, know exam pattern and syllabus

UPSC NDA & NA Exam 2025: If you want to become an officer in Indian Army then this can be a golden opportunity for you. In fact, applications have been invited for the National Defense Academy i.e. UPSC NDA and NA-I 2025 to become an officer in the Indian Army. Application forms can be filled by visiting UPSC website till 31st December.


UPSC NDA Exam will be held on 13th April 2025. A total of 406 posts in Army, Air Force and Army will be recruited through this recruitment process. The UPSC NDA exam will provide admission to the Army, Air Force and Navy wings of the National Defense Academy. It has 208 posts for Army and 42 posts for Navy. While 122 posts are for Air Force wing of NDA. While there are 30 vacancies for Naval Academy under 10+2 cadet entry scheme.


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Let’s know about UPSC NDA Exam:
The National Defense Academy (NDA), Kharkwasla, Pune is a joint service training academy of the Indian Armed Forces. Where cadets from all three wings of Army, Air Force and Navy are trained. Cadets are trained here for three years. After this, one gets a permanent commission in the army in the rank of lieutenant. 12th pass youth are given admission in NDA.


For NDA admission, first of all the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts a written test. Candidates who clear it are called for interview. This interview is conducted by Service Selection Board. That is why it is called SSB interview. SSAB interview tests the physical fitness, mental fitness and personality of the candidates. A complete medical test is also conducted during the interview.


What is the Qualification for UPSC NDA Exam:

  • The special thing is that women can appear for UPSC NDA exam along with unmarried men.

  • If we talk about the age limit for NDA exam, then the age limit is 16.5 to 19.5 years.

  • Must have passed 12th from any recognized board for army wing of NDA.

  • For Air Force and Naval Wing of NDA and 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme of Naval Academy – Candidates must have passed 12th with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

UPSC NDA Exam Syllabus and Pattern: UPSC NDA and NA exam is of 900 marks. It consists of Mathematics paper of 300 marks and General Ability Test of 600 marks. Both the papers are of two and a half hours duration. This is followed by SSB interview of 900 marks.

UPSC NDA Exam Syllabus
Algebra for Mathematics, Matrices and Determinants, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry in two and three Dimensions, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Differential Equations (Integral Calculus and Differential Equations), Vector Algebra, Statistics and Probability


General Ability Test (GAT)
UPSC NDA General Aptitude Test asks questions related to English and General Knowledge. The English section covers topics like grammar and its usage, vocabulary, comprehension and coherence. While General Knowledge tests the general awareness of the candidates. It includes history, geography, environment, economics, politics and current affairs.


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