Does drinking water increase weight? Know what is water weight and how to reduce it

Whether it is to keep the body hydrated or to brighten the face, drinking plenty of water is always considered essential. Doctors also advise that it is important to keep yourself hydrated at all times and for this it is very important to drink plenty of water. If excess water or fluid accumulates in the body, can it cause problems? Yes, it is also called water weight or swelling.


According to Medical News Today, 50 to 60 percent of a person’s weight is made up of water, but if more water is in the body. deposit If it happens, it is called ‘water weight’ (edema or water retention). This problem only It can be caused not by drinking too much water but also by lifestyle.


How to reduce water weight?

Reduce salt – If water is accumulating in the body and you want to reduce water weight, then consume low sodium food instead of high sodium food. When you overdose in the If you eat salt, this body in the Affects the ratio of sodium to water, leading to water retention and weight gain.


drink more water- When the body in the If there is a lack of water (dehydration), the body will take extra water on its own in the Stores But this problem goes away when you drink enough water. Not only this, drinking water enables the kidneys to excrete sodium and excess water.


Reduce Carbohydrates- If excess amount of carbohydrates start accumulating in the body, it can lead to excess water accumulation in the body. as a matter of fact, carbohydrates Work to create energy, and when the energy is not used, it turns into glycogen molecules and begins to be stored. It works to store water in the body. But when you replace carbohydrates with protein, this problem can be overcome is


work out — When you work out, the water accumulated in the body starts coming out naturally in the form of sweat. In this way, the weight of water (Water Weight) starts to decrease. Apart from this, due to good blood circulation, fluid does not build up in the body. However, take care of hydration and keep drinking water during the workout.

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Water weight increases due to these reasons-

– High salt or carbohydrate diet and potassium-magnesium deficiency can cause water retention.

– Hormonal changes before periods and cravings for salty or carbohydrate-rich foods cause water retention.

– Due to prolonged sitting or standing, fluid circulation in the body is not done properly, due to which swelling occurs.

-Fluids in the body due to heart or kidney diseases deposit May be, due to which swelling and water weight may increase.

-Some medications such as anti-inflammatory or birth control pills can also cause water retention as a side effect.

By Admin

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