Easy will not be easier to Delhi for the line government

New Delhi, February 20

The BJP government in the power of power in Delhi will have to face a number of challenges this time. Following his electric promises in these challenges, the previous government’s continuing the pollution and infrastructure of the city’s pollution and infrastructure, and the Yamuna cleansing. The BJP government will have to take the financial system of the national capital. The Aam Aadmi Party was now on his own power, the Aam Aadmi Party played the role of the Opposition and press the BJP to fulfill his election promises. BJP’s newly formed Chief Minister Lika Gupta will have to complete his promise to pay Rs 2,500 month to women in Delhi. He was the first promise of the party’s announcement letter and was designed to get ahead of ‘AAP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined the rally by addressing the rally in February, the BJP comes to power in the capital, the first cabinet meeting would decide. An AAP has exposed the BJP to fulfill this promise. Former Chief Minister Attrahi had asked the new Friday that he would be accountable to the new government. Another major challenge for the BJP will have to continue wearyness plans started by the government.

It includes free electricity, free water connections to 200 units and free bus travel for women. While the BJP had ethnic to voters that all these plans would not be closed but the ‘corruption’ would be eliminated. The BJP also has to implement his focus in Delhi. The BJP had promised to launch the Viseman India Insurance Minister in Delhi and became a electric issue. Under this scheme, free of beneficiaries will be treated for Rs. 5 lakhs. AAP government had already refused to implement this scheme to say that the current health system of Delhi is good and sought. The BJP had promised to improve all Delhi’s ‘Molala Clinic’ and their actions had accused corruption. Delhi BJP provincialist Varindrawa has said that the CAG report will be offered in the Vidhan Sabha and the allegations of all corruption will be investigated. AAP is the two main allegations ‘Shel Policy’ Issue and Alcohol Policy of the corruption. The BJP also raised the cleaning of Yamuna during the elections. Meanwhile, the BJP government will also allow the measuring race roads and sewerage system. Pollution is also the main problem in the capital. The BJP will also allow the release of issuing electric vehicle policy. This policy was failed after implementation in ‘AAP2020. Another challenge for the BJP will also have to be given a stable government, as during the last tenure from 1993 to 1998, the party has three different campaigns. In these, Madan Lala Khurana, Sahib Sushma Swaraj. -Ptyti

Two Delhiites can meet three years in three years: Gopal Rai

“AAP senior leader Gopal Rai today said that the BJP delay in electing the Chief Minister indicate that they have no face and internal differences. He said that this history himself could be repeated that we can see three years in five years. He said that BJP later settled the Chief Minister more than ten days to choose the Chief Minister.

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