You must come to the names of the two people in mind whenever it comes to prophecies. A Baba is a Baba and the other is Nosgramus. People are eager to know the prophecies of Baba and Nocradamus. The prophecies of Baba and Nocradamus has also come for 2025. The world also found out about his prophecies. Today, however, we will talk about Baba Jaga. There is a thing about Baba Venta, many people still confused. The real reason for confusion is his name. Yes, many people are still unaware of the reality of Baba of Baba.
In fact, the people are confused by taking this thing that Baba will be a man or woman. However, the reality is that Baba Jaga was a woman. Baba Wags was a famous Bulgunian astrologer and the woman who predict. His real name was Varambalaya Gustiva Pandwa. The whole world knows him by the name of Baba Vaga. It is claimed that he had the ability to predict the future. He lost your eyes at the age of 12. He spent most of his life in the form of Bulgaria’s Bulgaria’s Bulgaria.
What is the meaning of ‘Baba’?
Baba Vaga’s name is the meaning of the word Bulgarian word. Baba is a Bulgarian word, which means ‘the old woman’ or grandmother. This word is used to address elderly and lovingly in Bulgaria. Baba Vagon was born on January 31, 1911 in Bulgaria’s shareholding. He was interested in astrology and prophecies since child. He studied for many years for many years. The result was that he was known as a famous astrologer in his country.
The prophecies of Baba Ventiga
– Predicted to the fall of Berlin wall in 1989.
– The prophecy of the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004.
– Predicted about getting out of Britain’s European Union in 2016.
– In 2020, Corona Virus foretold.
Baba’s death died on August 11, 1996. However, today his prophecies are being understood. Pledge of Baba Venta for 2025-
The world will begin in 2025, but humanity will not be completely destroyed up to 5079.
A large confrontation in Europe in 2025 will begin. As a result, Europe’s population will reduce.
2043 will be the Muslim state in Europe.
From 2076, the communist rule in the world will return.