Many years later, the ocean edge is believed, the big disaster sign of the big disaster

In the Canary Islands of Atlantic Ocean, Spanish city has seen a rare Dimsde fish on Las Palmas beach. This fish, called bad news and indicators of bad news and destruction, came up with a sudden pain with a sudden pain and died after a while. This type of orfish is usually not seen outside the water. It is believed that when these fish come out of the sea, something bad happens. Earlier, it is claimed that after seeing this fish, the earthquake was.


Art India has shared a video at X. An orfish is visible to the sea edge in this video. However, this size is very shorter than the other fish of the species. This fish falls out of the ocean and dies in a few seconds of coming out of the water. People near the beach tried to save the fish in the water backwards but they failed. The structure of this fish is quite different and a small red bone on its head.


In Japanese people, this deep ocean fish are considered a sign of disaster. It is said that an area orfish was observed on the shore on the shore before the Earthquake. The United States of California last year was a heriter, after which the earthquake was later in Los Angeles. Scientists say it comes to the fish surface because it is sick. Its Japanese people have nothing to do with Katha. Orfish is a rare fish and once seen in many years. This is also because the species of fish lives in the deep ocean. It comes at the surface when it forget its way. In such a situation, it often dies after reaching the edge.


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