Motorcycle rider survived from a high speed car

Gurinder Singh

Ludhiana, Jan 29th

A young man died during a painful accident near the local manda bar. The accident happened when defending him from a quick paced car, the young man who went to the motorbike pole and died with this collision. The deceased is received as the resident Jawahar Nagar camp, a resident Jawahar Nagar camp, which worked in a private bank.

The accident was so horrible that the United States was also nervous. After the death of the youth, the allegations today asking for a tough action against the driver of the fast-speeding car. Under this demand, area also planted the police-fashion coach market dharna outside the coach market and also strongly slogging against the police administration.

According to the information received, the coach was to take medicine from home and after taking the medicine, he made his motorcycle one aside Taken. Meanwhile, his motorcycle moved with the power pole on the road and the Cyangen moved fast. The accident was so horrible that the Sijan drunk from the motorcycle and fell away and serious injuries. Rahabagers gathered on the spot was preparing to take him to the hospital but the headan died before.

After the incident, the people of the area gathered, and they protested the police outpost by the demand for the action against the car driver. The news was progressed while the higher police officers were talking to the spot by attending the occasions, they were obviously on the demand of murder against the car driver.

Cerez’s File Photo.


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