Mrinal Mehthat became the president of Pathankot district bar association

NP. Dhawan

Pathankot, February 28

In the district of the District Bar Association, Moninol Mehta President, Kendan Mahajan General Secretary and Darshan Singh Vice President have been elected. Polling started from 8 am and took place at 5 p.m. After this, votes were counted in the evening.

Returning Officer Sharinder Mahajan Mahajan and his helpers Nilima, Musan and Sourah Sharma announced the consequences in the closed room. As soon as the consequences of the results announced, all the advocates were wounded candidates with defeat and congratulated.

Returning Officer Wadeinder Mahajan said that 12 polls, Vincarit Singh Bajwa had 12 votes to receive 22 polls for the remnant of Mrinal Mehta. The winner was declared with the difference between the Mrinal Mehta 104 votes. Karnatan Mahajan for General Secretary, 181 votes, Amandeep Merahra received 145 and Munish Saini’s 96 votes. Kantan Mahajan announced winner with 36 votes. Similar to Darshan Singh for the Vice President and 291 votes and Romika got 128 votes. In this way, Darshan Singh continued to win with the differences of 163 votes. The Naveen Soni has already been announced without the competition.

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