Nagpur Violence: The settlement between Muslim and Hindu community in Nagpur

Nagpur, March 17

Police clash with protesters in Nagpur amid rumours of burning of holy book; four injured: Today, today became a strained atmosphere when violegies fell violence in two communities in the end of Aurangzeb’s tomb. Meanwhile, the protesters to burn the holy granth of the Muslim community, after the rumors of burning granths, followed by the police immediately left the tear gas. Meanwhile, four injured.

According to the information, the police left tear gas slaves to scatter the crowd in Chitinis Park and the palace areas and bathed. Officials said that Chitinis Park was the most influenced by violence from violence from violence from violence, which protests set fire to many vehicles.

The controversy began shortly after the Mahwaji of Bajrang Dal members of Bajrang Dal members started near the statue of Maharaj, Shivaji in the Mahil area. According to police, it was rumored that the Quran was burned during the agitation. The performance of Bajrang Dal’s performance videos on social media was rapidly spread the protest in the members of the Muslim community. He lodged a complaint with burning the Holy Granth in the maneuled police station. After this, the Mahil, Kotawali, Ganesht and Chanvish Park, the members of a large number of Muslim communities gathered and protested.

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