Power-Lifter Dies During: Women’s Power-Lifter died due to death of 270 kg of rod neck during practice

Jaipur, February 19th

The golden National Gameth Power-Lifer’s Women’s Women’s Power-Lifter died of the golden National Games of the June National Games during the Gamior district of Rajasthan in the district of 270 kg. This information was given by the Rajasthan police on Wednesday.

Power-Lifeta Jim died painful in practice in the gym in the gym. Naya City SHO Vikram Tewari, said the accident happened on Tuesday. He said that with a rock of the 270 kg of the 270kg taga wander had broken the neck of the player.

He said that immediately after the accident, he was taken to the hospital, where doctors declared him dead. Tewari said that the accident was when the Trainer James was carrying weight in the gym.

The Yashica trainer has also been minor injuries in this crash. SHO said that the family had not registered a case in this regard. The body was handed over to the family on Wednesday after postmortem. News-Patiala

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