Readers’ Letters – Punjabi News-Patiala

Dangerous to communal harmony

Zoya Hassan’s article ‘Masjid Survey Dangerous to Communal Harmony’ on the 7th December view page sends a clear message that disputes over religious places are neither about history nor law, but about furthering the hold of extreme right-wing Hindu parties on politics. are about The Places of Worship Act-1991 was enacted to prevent disputes over places of worship and the resulting communal violence, but the only hope left to the courts may now be over. The author is quite right to say that the disputes over these religious places have deepened the division between the two factions and the courts are responsible for allowing them to grow.

Jaswant Mohali, email

Approach of Akali leaders

The main page of December 7 read the news that the core committee of the Akali Dal met and took a decision. They have time to hold the meeting of the core committee, but as per the order issued by Mr. Akal Takht Sahib, the working committee of Akali Dal could not send the report on time, due to the fact that the leaders were busy with the service, they demanded an increase in the time limit. has gone From such actions of the Akali Dal, it seems that it has continued its old politics even after being rejected by the people in the polls and being punished by the Supreme Sansaka of the Sikhs, Sri Akal Takht Sahib. It was sad to read the news on the front page of December 4, ‘Budhe Darya Dam Maran Gate…’, how the ‘village-run government’ of Punjab, before making any demands to the people living in the villages and cities, with the help of the police. takes pressure This government is not stopping the politics of industrialists who are playing with people’s lives. Budha river, which has become a symbol of pollution, is not being cleaned because our government departments are following the saying ‘Punchan da keha sir maathi, parnala atar da atar’. However, nothing is spoiled by the fallen berries yet; Pouring any kind of water into the river and the ground should be strictly prohibited so that the precious lives of the people are not played with.

Eng. Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, Bathinda

love relationship

On December 6, Darshan Singh’s middle ‘New Way’ was read. In fact, teachers and parents are always happy to see their students, children succeed. Secondly, the teacher has an attachment relationship with his students. Even if he retires, he does not forget the children he taught. Good students also respect their teachers.

Dr. Nishan Singh Rathore, Kurukshetra


Darshan Singh’s article ‘New Way’ read on the December 6 Nazriya page. Each line of writing was taking me back to my Navodaya (school) life. I remembered the ground of Navodaya school, the drops like pearls on the leaves of the trees during the morning PT, the laughter, the reprimands of the teachers who shaped life in a better way. This was the way of life which freed me from various types of garbage in the society. The distinction of castes, the distinction of boys and girls in me was erased by this path and thinking about the entire humanity is the gift of this path.

Weather Gorsi, Dhabi Gujran (Patiala)

Bane of Junk Food

On December 5, Charanjit Bhullar’s news on the front page through ‘Shauk De Tand: Chullhe Pakdi Roti, Ab Khau Koon Ve…’ has highlighted the increasing trend of junk food among Punjabis and the profits of junk food businessmen. Most people in cities prefer to eat their evening meals outside. Even in the morning, instead of having breakfast at home, they eat junk food from outside. Junk food which is increasing day by day in the food has brought down the health of Punjab and given it over to diseases. Today, Punjabis are struggling with terrible diseases like obesity, stress, blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. By leading a changing lifestyle, man avoids manual labor. Prefers all work to be done by machines. If you have to walk two steps, you get breathless. Whole grains, mustard greens, corn flour, and other traditional foods that are cheap and readily available also add to the body’s healthy and anti-microbial properties.

Rajwinderpal Sharma, Village Kaljharani (Bathinda)

The reality of treatment claims

In the issue of December 5, the refusal of the Delhi High Court to consider the petition against Navjot Sidhu was good. Vials of cow urine would have been written claiming to cure many serious diseases; Advertisements of Babas who heal through Bija Mantra are often published. More urgent than filing a petition against Sidhu’s claim, there was a need to file petitions against the claims of cow urine, seed mantra etc. It was also good that the court gave importance to freedom of expression. Similarly, if priority is given to talking with arguments instead of registering a case against a thinker who gives scientific and rational ideas for inciting religious sentiments, it will also help in removing the misconceptions in the minds of the people.

Sohan Lal Gupta, Patiala

Plan for Punjab

On December 11, Gurbachan Jagat read the article ‘Need for a new plan for Punjab’. The underlying meaning of the article is that Punjab has a different identity than other countries in all areas. Hari Kranti 1962, 1965 and 1971 wars of Punjabis are not hidden. The border has been mentioned. These phenomena happened due to geographical location in Punjab. Insecurity, drugs, health, non-skills, migration and IELTS etc. are all issues of concern. These symbols of moral integrity are the feet of Punjab. Behind this, the needle of doubt also keeps spinning that all this is done or is being done on purpose. It would have been good if the author had also revealed the reasons behind these circumstances. Punjabis are worried, but thinkers and policy makers adopt a sarcastic way to hide their sting.

Sukhpal Singh Gill, Abiana Clan

By Admin

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