Remarkable company! Decorated Rs 95 crore on tables and said to employees, just pick up as much as you can carry out a bet …

Each employee is consumed to put bonus and increments from the company, but some companies that offer their employees more than their expectations. One such company is China who held a party for his employees and distributed millions of bonuses on the easiest conditions. Crane making company on the scorer dollar (Rs 95.37 crore) tables (Rs 95.37 crore) and asked their employees to count as much money in 15 minutes & mldr;


The video of this unique way of distributing the employees became viral on social media and it was admired. The video organized by Henan Mining Crin Company Limited was shared on Chinese social media sites Duayen and Weowe, and was also posted on the Instagram. At the beginning of the video, a large table appears that the money is full of money. Employees then start counting cash as their bonus.


How much did the most taken workers?
According to the report, the highest money was counted by an employee of the company and taken. This employee should count the cash of 18.7 thousand dollars in 15 minutes (Rs 16,21,290). Other employees were busy counting cash and exclude it as soon as possible. After the video is released on social media, users made wide comments. A user wrote, ‘My company is also like this.’ But instead of money, they give a lot of work. Another wrote: ‘A paper I want, but there are some other plans for the company.


Some people also criticized & mldr;
Another user wrote, ‘Instead of this spectacle, you can deposit money in the accounts of the employees.’ This is a little insulting. However, it is a different world behind the great wall. This is not the first time that this company has given such a large amount of money, but it was organized at the end of the year 2023 and waste a serious amount to his employees.


Conditional easy, but finishing hard ..
A user wrote on social media that this was very good for the Chinese company. If the company puts a direct money, all employees have to pay according to the same amount or his position, but the company broke all these obstacles. One of the tables placed on the table can also get the maximum amount and more than your manager and team leader. Thus the company ended the difference between senior and junior in distributing bonuses.


By Admin

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