Should not drink cold water immediately after eating peanuts? Know what other things are prohibited

A lot of peanuts are eaten in winter. Peanuts are a popular snack, which people like to eat salted, roasted. It is a good source of protein, fiber and healthy fats, which are very beneficial for the body. But, have you heard that you should not drink cold water immediately after eating peanuts? This belief is prevalent among many people. Also, many other activities are prohibited immediately after eating peanuts. Let’s find out how much truth there is in these myths…


Let’s find out what is the connection between peanuts and cold water:
Peanuts are high in oil and protein, which can slow down digestion a bit. Drinking cold water lowers the temperature of the stomach, which can affect the functioning of digestive enzymes. This can hinder digestion and cause problems like gas, acidity or heaviness in the stomach. According to Ayurveda, drinking cold water immediately after eating weakens agni (digestive action). The body needs more energy to digest heavy and oily foods like peanuts. Cold water can slow down this process, which can lead to indigestion and other problems.


What should be avoided after eating peanuts?

  • As mentioned above, it can disrupt the digestive process.

  • The tannins and caffeine in tea or coffee can reduce the absorption of iron in peanuts, so avoid tea and coffee after eating peanuts.

  • Yogurt and peanuts are both heavy, and eating them together can cause stomach heaviness and indigestion.

  • The acid in citrus fruits can react with peanut oil, causing heartburn or acidity.

Do this after eating peanuts:
It is better to drink warm water after eating peanuts. It helps in keeping the digestive system smooth. Take light walks to keep the digestive system healthy. Eat peanuts in limited quantities, as eating them in excess can also cause stomach problems. Drinking cold water immediately after eating peanuts can cause digestive problems, especially if you have a weakened digestive system. However, this problem is not the same for everyone. So, develop eating habits after understanding your body’s requirements.

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