Spouses’ death, 9 injured due to cars, 9 injured

Ashok Kora

Phagwara, February 21

The elderly couple died in a road accident on the crossing-Hoshiarpur Highway on Thursday-Hoshiarpur Highway, and 9 people injured. According to Scho Darbag Singh, Shatho Dhagar Singh, the death, and his wife, Kaur have been held as Dharjaha village near Both the inhabitants Phagwara.

He said that the accident took place when herthier Singh was returning home from a wedding function in his car. When he approached the struggle, a car coming from the Phagwara on the Phagwara on the Phagwara sides hit their car. The collision was so strong that the party died on the spot on the spot.

9 other people were injured in the accident who were depressed in Civil Hospital. Sukhwinder Singh (son of Sukhwinder Singh) in the injured include the Mohan Lal, Binder, Binder, Binder, Mamata and Break on the car in the injured.

The status of all the injured is being stated. SHO Dhanbag Singh said the accident seems to be held in the early inquiry. The dead bodies of the deceased has been sent for automortum.

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