Are you tired of hearing about the side effects of tea? Everywhere you look on the internet, people are talking about its benefits and harms (Tea Good Or Bad), but in the midst of it all, what is often left behind is what happens to the body if we stop drinking tea. What will be the effect? Will we see any advantage or disadvantage? Yes, in this article we will tell you in clear and simple terms what kind of changes can be seen in the body by completely giving up tea for a month (Benefits of giving up tea for a month). Let’s find out.
What would happen if you abstained from tea for a month?
Will the energy decrease?
After drinking tea, do you start feeling energized in your tired body within moments? If yes, you are not alone. Most people feel the same, but did you know that this immediate energy can cause many diseases in the future? In fact, the caffeine present in tea increases your blood pressure and by consuming it continuously, you become prone to problems like high blood pressure. In such a case, if you stop drinking tea for a month, you will feel a little lethargic and tired in the initial days but you will get many benefits in controlling blood pressure.
Will your teeth become brighter?
Did you know that your favorite tea is damaging your teeth? Yes, it’s true! The acid in tea weakens the enamel of our teeth. This can lead to problems like yellowing, staining and sensitivity in the teeth. So, by stopping its consumption for a month, the color of your teeth will gradually start brightening naturally and you will also get relief from tooth decay.
Will you start losing weight?
Believe it or not, tea also causes you to gain weight. The sugar and caffeine present in tea and coffee hinder the weight loss journey and also have a negative effect on the metabolism. In such a case, if you drink tea regularly and stay away from it completely for a month you may see weight loss benefits.
How will it affect sleep?
Do you feel tired throughout the day and unable to sleep peacefully at night? If yes, then it is possible that your love for tea is to blame. Yes, by giving up tea completely for a month, you will be able to sleep faster at night and feel refreshed in the morning. By giving up caffeine, not only will you sleep better but your anxiety and stress will also be significantly reduced.
Will diabetes be controlled?
The sugar in tea also plays a big role in raising your blood sugar levels. In such a case, if you completely stop consuming it for a month, even if the diabetes is not completely controlled, you can definitely get relief from the fluctuations in blood sugar. However, this will require you to watch your sugar intake throughout the day.
Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, always consult your doctor.