Tag: encroachment

Punjab Ludhiana Attack MCL Tehbazari Team Mochpura Bazar News| Ludhiana MCL Shopkeepers Attack Tehbazaari Worker News | Attack on Ludhiana Municipal Corporation team: Officers went to remove encroachment from the market, shopkeepers scuffled with the police – Ludhiana News

Shopkeepers scuffling with corporation employees. In Ludhiana today some shopkeepers attacked the Municipal Corporation’s sub-market team. The Tehbazaari team had gone to remove encroachment from the markets. When the officers…

Kapurthala Municipal Corporation Anti Encroachment Drive AAP leader | AAP leader’s instructions to the ‘Phadi’ sellers in Kapurthala: Said – Install ‘Phadi’ within the limits, got the goods back from the Municipal Corporation team – Kapurthala News

People protesting against anti encroachment drive team in Kapurthala In view of the increasing illegal encroachments in the markets of Kapurthala city, the Municipal Corporation team has conducted an anti-encroachment…