The plane left in the sky, 2 days later news, the news of the army jaw, but …

The planes in the United States is not lowing the lowest. There are three planes accident in 10-15 days. Sometimes flights flattered in the sky collides and sometimes flight falls on goods. Now Thursday, American aircraft Sesna 208 B Grand Karavan lost in Alaska. Two days later, information about the ship. It is being estimated that 10 people on the plane has died.


Seasoning Seasena was found in Alaska, 208 B Grand Caravan Ship has been mailed. The American Coad Guard gave this information on a post on social media on Friday afternoon. According to media reports, the death of three people have been confirmed. It is being estimated that there are seven other bodies inside the ship, but due to the condition of the ship, it is not possible to reach bodies. The caravan ships of Burling Air was bored in the Carban Airport, officials said. This ship was missing on Thursday afternoon.


Where did the flyte?
The Cost Guard said the ship’s row was found in 34 miles southeast from the Nam city. The ship was going to Nolkilit from Ulandelit. According to media reports, US Transport Secretary Shan Diyi said, “Pray for 10 people who lose lives in the flight of life in Alaska. He said that the National Transportation Security Board was investigating the incident with the federal aviation administration. Alaska State Troophers said he had reported a ship from 5 pm (01:00 gmt) on Thursday.


The Nom Volletial fire department said that the Pilot told the air traffic control that he was trying to land in a holding pattern while waiting for the runway. ” The Cost Guard later said the plane was later lost height and speed before missing. No information was given about who was on the plane. All passengers have been informed. Alaska’s public security department said 10 people on the plane was involved in the plane nine passengers and a pilot.

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