The tension of bathing in bitter cold is over, the machine will take a bath in 15 minutes

You must have seen washing machine in everyone’s house. It is used for washing and drying clothes. People often buy washing machines for their convenience and to save time. You must have heard or read about washing machines and dishwashers by now.

But have you ever read or heard of a machine that can wash a person? Yes, Japan, which is considered to be the most advanced country in the world in the field of technology, has achieved this new feat. Such a washing machine has been made in Japan, which will wash a person in 15 to 20 minutes. In fact, Japanese engineers have created a new and unique human washing machine. They have named this machine Mirai Ningen Sentakuki. This machine will first analyze people’s body with the help of AI. Then it will cleanse the body according to their needs.


Japan created a human washing machine

The machine was invented by Osaka-based showerhead company Science. The company claims that this washing machine can fully clean a person in just 15 minutes. The machine will soon be showcased at the Osaka Kansai Expo. According to information, thousands of people will use this machine in the expo. The claim about this machine is that it completes a “wash and dry” cycle in just 15 minutes. Meaning it will wash and dry anyone in 15 minutes. It is being called the first human washing machine. Aoyama, the head of this company, said that he will launch this machine at the Osaka Kansai Expo to be held in 2025.


How will the machine work?
To take a bath in this machine, first of all the person has to sit in the pard made. After this the pod will be half filled with hot water. After this, small air bubbles will begin to form from the water jets. After this, these bubbles will clean the dirt present in the skin. Along with this, the machine will continue to collect body information. The machine will ensure that the wash is done at the appropriate temperature according to the body. According to the engineers, this machine will not only remove dirt from human skin but will also relax people’s minds.

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