The women’s minister resigns after the state of the state, the relationship was made with the 15-year-old boy …

Leave Thorancedor (lowland loa thatsdir) has resigned after the shocking revelation of the Iceland. The case is three decades, but its impact now is shown (Iceland’s minister). The minister had admitted that when he was 22, he had tested with a 15-year-old boy who had a child. It went to the brigamp in the country coming to the news.


Relationships from the world!

The boy who was concerned with Thoracader, was associated with a church group, where he worked as a counselor. According to reports, the boy was 15 years old and some time later, he became the Father. He had a child’s responsibility in the age of 16 but the relationship was hidden. At first he was allowed to meet her child but when the child became young, it was banned. However, he was forced to pay child support for 18 years.


Iceland is considered a legal age of the consent, but when an adult is in the state of a jailigar or penetry, it is considered a crime. In this case, the case became more complicated due to relations with the relationship with the church.

(File photo)

The Minister left the post, Parliament will remain members

The boy did not view himself the victim, but he said he was going through a difficult time at the time and received support from the church. When the case came to the media, the pressure on Thornsitar increased. He suddenly resigned from his post as soon as he would remain members of Parliament.


Commenting on this issue, Prime Minister Criston Frrostottir said the matter was unfortunate, but it has nothing to do with the functioning of the government. The Prime Minister clarified that it was the personal decision of ThornsDotiri and they immediately resigned and responsible for responsibility.


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