Any country or city may have traffic restrictions. There may be restrictions on use of facilities. There may be restrictions on freedom of speech and action. But would you believe that being sick can also have restrictions? Yes it may sound like a joke to you but it is the truth. There is also a ban on people being sick in a city. If you want to live in that city you have to protect yourself from getting sick. In fact, this order has been issued in a small town in Italy, Belcastro. The mayor of Belcastro has created a stir by making this strange announcement. According to the orders of the mayor, it is strictly forbidden to get sick here.
According to CNN, the incident took place in the city of Belcastro in the Calabria region of southern Italy. Mayor Antonio Torchia has issued orders for people living in the city. According to the orders, there is a ban on getting sick here. The people of the city have to protect themselves from getting sick. Especially those diseases that require the help of a doctor. According to Mayor Torchia ‘we are taking this order as a joke. But through this we want to draw attention to the poor condition of health services in the city.
Ban on being sick
The population of this city is around 1300. In the town of Belcastro, with a population of 1300 people, more than half of the people are elderly. There is a health center here, but it is often closed, the mayor said. Also there is no doctor available during emergency and holiday nights. Nearby health centers are also closed. The nearest emergency room is in the city of Catanzaro, about 45 km away. In such a situation it is necessary that such an order be issued as a precaution.
What is in command?
Maryar Torchia said that this order is not just to provoke people. This command is a cry for help. Through this order we want to draw attention to a situation which cannot be accepted. In his orders, the Mayor has appealed to the people not to do any work that could harm them or make them sick. Protect yourself from accidents at home. Don’t step out of the house very often. Avoid traveling or playing sports. Rest most of the time.
What is the rationale of the order?
However, it is not clear how this order will be implemented. According to the mayor, the purpose of this order is to draw the attention of local officials and health officials to this problem. He said that this order will remain in force till public health centers in the city start opening regularly. Justifying this order, the mayor also said that you should come and see our village for a week. Staying here you will find yourself feeling that if a medical emergency occurs, your only hope is to reach Catanzaro in time. Try it out and then let me know if this situation sounds right to you.
Where is this city?
In fact, this beautiful city of Calabria in Italy is one of the poorest cities in the country. The population here is very small. People are migrating from here. Especially the young generation is fleeing to the cities. Due to this, this area is becoming deserted. Only the elders are left here. In 2021, more than 75% of Calabria’s 320 towns had a population of less than 5,000. People fear that if there is no development, these towns will become completely empty. Some towns have even started paying people to stay here.