this is how you can catch hidden camera in hotel and trial room using your smartphone

Smartphone does not work only for calling and entertainment. Many times they also save us from getting into a difficult situation. With the help of a smartphone, cameras hidden in hotel rooms can also be detected and it is very easy to do. In fact, in the recent past, many such incidents have come to light, where people’s privacy was violated by installing hidden cameras in rooms and trial rooms etc. Let us know today how these cameras can be traced from smartphone.

See the camera from the flash light of the smartphone

Camera lens lights reflect the light. So close the light of your room and turn on the flashlight of the smartphone. Now gradually hit the flashlight lights at those air vents, smoke detector and alarm clock etc., where you are suspected of hiding the camera. If the light is being reflected from somewhere, then watch it carefully at that place.

Install IR light with smartphone camera

Many hidden camera leaves infrared (IR) lights. This cannot be seen with human eyes, but the camera of the smartphone can do this work. Turn off the light of the room to find the source of infrared light. Now rotate the smartphone camera in places where the camera is suspected of being hidden. If there is any light in the camera, then check it carefully at that place whether the camera is hidden.

Take support of apps

There are many such apps for Android and iOS devices, which can detect hidden cameras. These apps detect hidden cameras with the help of phone cameras and sensors. These apps can detect things infrared light, magnetic field etc. and will tell you the location of the hidden camera. In this way cameras can be detected in the room or trial room.

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