Ranchi. In the capital of Jharkhand, Birsa is being searched on a seed at the agricultural university in the agriculture. It was found in the forest of the Pittoria area of the Sea Ranchi. Aborigar this seed utility do to smack the snakes. Because, the smell of the seeds go away. The research also found that these seeds control high blood pressure.
The agricultural scientist of Birsa Agricultural University told News-Patiala, many drugs of Ranchi forests. During your research, we found some plants, especially some specific seeds. When we discovered that seed, we learned that the locals already had to save this seed and use to eat.
Just keep in a few rooms & mldr;
The agricultural scientist says Pacific, the name of this seed is namedarpagandha. It is a scentage that the serpent tie their hands from the distance. Not only the snake is not the only one, the snake’s child cannot come near it. This seed is to be kept in some rooms or home. In fact, entering snakes at home is a big problem for people living in forests or distant villages. In such a situation, the seed works the Laxman’s line for them. The research also found that the serpent seeds come close to them because of the fast scent of seeds.
Expert in controlling BP
They said, another thing seen is amazing. This seed controls high blood pressure. If your high blood pressure is up to 250, you can consume this seed regularly. This can make the blood pressure to substantially normal. However, continue using the medicine. However, eating it every day, you will see good results long after.
Also put it on the cutting of insects
In fact, the seeds of the surpondha has many qualities. These seeds are alkaloid, archalide, armedines, surpantine, aggregation and most importantly, it is very effective to stop high blood pressure. In addition, if you cut a worm, pushing this seed brings great relief. In such a situation, people living in villages around Ranchi often use this seed.
We will make medicine to prevent snake cutting!
Agricultural scientists say prasal, such as Laxman line cockroaches is a medicine to protect. However, there is no medicine to prevent snakes from entering the house. In such a situation, there is a medicine, with the help of this seed, which will be difficult to enter the snake home. In addition, research is currently running how we can use it for high blood pressure.