Control in any situation is important. But this control should be on itself, not on others. Train themselves to remain calm in difficulty and your mind difficulty, challenging and unidentified situations. Because most of the mistakes we do when our thoughts, physical activities and our words quickly react. When we control our mind, face such situations will be easier. Learn how to keep yourself calm in an adverse circumstances.
Prevent your self to lose control & mldr;
Whenever the second person inflammates you or disgrace you, you should tell yourself that my response is my strength and I will not leave it. Because when you lose control of yourself in anger, you also lose your power.
Research slowly & mldr;
Whenever there is a very serious, sad or stressful situation, take the three deep breath and think that in this situation is important for me? Those who remain calmless do not rush into their reaction. And, they are often weak often.
Keep controlling your mind, not the situation & mldr;
Often people try to control the situation but needed to control your mind, not the situation. Learn these things from mentally strong people. Think about the negative situation, think that every problem is solved. Have already been facing many difficult situations. You will also save it and rather think too much, bring clarity in your work. So that the problem can solve.
Body Language controls & mldr;
Whenever a negative situation is born, keep your body Language too. Direct your spine, open your chest and slowly breathe. Doing so will show the body-in control.
Prevent negative ideas & mldr;
As soon as you have negative thoughts, talk to yourself if what I think is right or is the illusion of mind. Write your thoughts, doing so will clean your mind.