What are rapidly climbing your hair? Easily make hairsty serum in the house, the easiest way to make read here

Hair loss has become a common thing due to hard water, pollution, stress, wrong dose and care. Because of this hair does not look beautiful and look hair in the house, floods, etc. If you are struggling with a haircut problem, you have an easy and effective solution for the domestic hair serum. This serum provides a nutritional nutrition and makes hair health better. The method of making it is simple and it is made up of completely natural elements. So let’s know how this domestic water-based hair covered and how to put it on the hair.


DIY to create a hair serum

  • Lightly leaves

  • Fresh wheelie leaves

  • Hibissex leaves

  • The sea seeds

  • Onion seeds

  • Long

  • Soaked rice

First of all, boil all these materials in 1-2 liter water. Boil it until the rice should not be well ripe and the amount of water is not at half. When the mixture is well ulil, let it get it and let it cool. Now keep this mixture into refrigerate by filling in a spray bottle.

How to use it:
Put this serum to your hair a few hours before going to bed at night or a few hours before the hair wash. Make it lightly massage on the skin and leave for a few hours. Then wash your hair in a normal way. If it survive, it can be installed with yogurt and oil and can be used as a hair mask. It also helps to humid hair and make a soft.

Keep these things special when brushing


Advantages of Domestic Hair Serum:
This domestic hair ceram nurtures the hair and helps reduce the problem of hair loss. The lifts present in it strengthen the roots of hair and prevent hair from falling. Rosemaries and Hibiscus leaves improve hair health and make them thick.


The sea seeds make the skalp healthy and stimulate hair growth. Clounge (black jira) and lang hair strengthens the roms and reduce the hair loss. The regular use of this hairsty serum will increase your hair growth and make them healthy, strong and bright.


(Disclaimer: The above facts are commonly based on common information. News-Patiala does not confirm them.

By Admin

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