Whatsapp has stated in its monthly report that it has banned 99 lakh accounts in January this year. The company said that this step has been taken to prevent rising scams, spams and illegal activities. This instant messaging platform, owned by the meta, said that if a user violates the rules, then more accounts will be banned. Let’s know about this in detail.
Whatsapp has to give regular report
Whatsapp has to give regular reports under the IT Act. In this, the company gives information about the steps taken to give its users a safe and secure platform. The company said that from January 1 to January 30 this year, it has blocked a total of 99 lakh 67 thousand accounts. Out of these, 13.27 lakh accounts had blocked him before receiving any complaint. In January, he received 9,474 complaints from his users. Acting on 239, the company took other steps including blocking accounts.
The company blocks accounts in these three ways
WhatsApp said that it has a multi-layer system to identify and ban the accounts involved in harmful activity. His detection system flags the suspected account at the time of sign-up. Apart from this, this system also detects the accounts sending bulk or spam messages and blocks it. The third way is the user feedback. On receiving a complaint from the users, the company investigates and blocks the accounts.
If these work is done, the account will be done
If you violate the policies of WhatsApp, then your accounts can also be blocked. The company takes special care of the bulk or spam messages, attempting to scam and spreading rumors and is immediately blocked.
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