Yeting, Know how to send the next strategy of Trump’s next strategy, immigrants

Under the decision to evacuate people from the country in the United States, Guru Ram Dasu, including the 204 immigrant Amritar, including the 204 immigrant Amritar, including the Punjabis from the country. He was left here and returned to the US military ship. According to sources, a large number of Indians in the next days, most of which are Punjabi, can be sent back.


Trump governance is using military resources rapidly for controlling the immigration, including the use of military disclosures for the deploy and immigrants. The Department of US Defense (Pentagon) also launched a help of military flights to deport more than 5000 immigrants from California.


In New Delhi, the United States has been sharing immigration laws on its borders, “said illegal immigrants.” Those who needed to be sent back to India. The External Affairs Minister S. Javhankar has already made it clear that India does not advocate the illegal immigration. According to sources, a large number of immigrants will continue the campaign to leave their country in the days.


Nuborous nubbies sent back yesterday, including 33 and 35 citizens of Haryana. Apart from this, the citizens of UP and Maharashtra have also been sent back. Amritsar, five Amritsar from the United States, one of the United States, one Gurdaspur, Tarn Taran, SSGurilla, six-four Jalandhar and Patiarilla, six-Hoshiala, and SBS Nagar, two Kapurtur, and SBS Nagar. A total of 104 Indians also include 12 children and two dozen women.


So with the help of military ships, the immigrants from Guatemala, Peruce, and Honduras have been deported. However, to deputing illegal immigrants from the military flights is very proven. According to reports, Guatemala’s costs of migrants sent to 4,675 (Rs 3.9 lakh) per person. The Trump Administration is adopting a zero tolerance policy on illegal immigrants, which has been likely to be deported to other immigrants.


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